The Registered Office of the Community of Evaluators – South Asia is in Delhi (268, Anarkali Complex, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi - 110 055).
The Secretariat of Community of Evaluators is currently located in Sri Lanka. It is hosted by one of its Institutional Members in Sri Lanka, the Institute for Participatory Interaction in Development (IPID).
The Article of Association of Community of Evaluators (February 2013) are available here.

Ranjith Mahindapala
Ranjith Mahindapala Ph D; M Sc; F I Biol; FNASSL (Executive Director)Ranjith Mahindapala has a working career of nearly 45 years of which 22 years were spent at a premier plantation research institute in Sri Lanka and 18 years in an International Organisation, the International Union for Conservation of Nature & Natural Resources (IUCN) at its Sri Lanka Office and its Asia Regional Office in Bangkok. He has nearly 30 years hands-on experience in design, development, and implementation of projects and programmes in agriculture and in natural resources management, and leading Monitoring and Evaluation missions for projects and programmes, capacity assessment, and on Results-based Reporting.
He was the Director of Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka from 1987 up to 1993. He was then appointed as the Executive Director of the Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy (SLCARP).
He joined IUCN in 1996 as the first Biodiversity Officer in Sri Lanka Office to work on the then newly-introduced Biodiversity Action Plan for Sri Lanka. He then held the position of Director Programme of Sri Lanka Country Office before being posted to IUCN’s Asia Regional Office in Bangkok for regional programme coordination, with a stint in Hanoi, Viet Nam as Head of Office there. He was appointed IUCN’s Country Representative in Sri Lanka in 2008, and in 2011 took up the position of Programme Manager of a large, post-tsunami regional initiative of IUCN, Mangroves for the Future.
In the recent times, he has been closely involved in capacity development for planning, and monitoring and evaluation, and has been the lead trainer in Project Cycle Management in the Asia region. He has wide experience working in Asia with about 10 years in IUCN’s Asia Regional Office in Bangkok.