Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) South Asia Network

Promoting better achievement of development objectives through evaluation depends on our ability to secure a sustainable resource pool of evaluation professionals, essentially by promoting the inclusion of youth and young people in evaluation processes. A critical issue faced by the Global Evaluation Community is the inadequacy of skilled evaluators to meet the growing demand which far exceeds supply. This can be overcome by ensuring a flow of capable Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) skilled in the field of evaluation.

In view of the above considerations, Community of Evaluators South Asia (CoE SA) initiated a collective of Young and Emerging Evaluators in South Asian countries including; Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, to register as members of the YEE South Asia Network. YEE South Asia Network aspires to be the voice of young evaluators in South Asia.

How is YEE South Asia Network linked to the Global EvalYouth Group?

The YEE South Asia Network is committed to follow two overarching goals, promoted by EvalYouth, an EvalPartners Initiative:

  • To promote Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) to become competent, experienced and well-networked professionals who contribute to evaluation capacity at national, regional and international levels.
  • To promote the inclusion of Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) in evaluations conducted at the national, regional and international levels.
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What are the specific objectives of the YEE South Asia Network?

  • YEE South Asia Network is committed to promote capacity building of YEEs in South Asia to become professionally sound.
  • To bring together young/new evaluation professionals and researchers across South Asia; creating a strong platform where YEEs can connect with more experienced colleagues.
  • To coordinate and maximize opportunities in evaluation through mobilization of key actors; young and emerging evaluators, as well as mentors and supporters of the EvalYouth activities.
  • Assisting YEEs to be represented in their national Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluators (VOPEs).
  • To promote ideas and perspectives of YEEs to link with professional evaluation work through active engagement in ongoing evaluations.

Who are eligible to join the Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEE) South Asia Network?

  • Evaluators under the age of 35 years,
  • Recent University graduates who are interested to join the evaluation profession,
  • Individuals / those who have registered with their National VOPEs / Regional VOPEs
  • Priority for Evaluators from South Asia
Mange søker etter enkle og diskrete løsninger når det gjelder helserelaterte produkter, spesielt de som kan påvirke livskvaliteten. Tradisjonelle apotek krever ofte resept, noe som kan være både tidkrevende og upraktisk for enkelte forbrukere. Dette har ført til økt interesse for Cialis i Norge uten resept, et alternativ som gir større frihet og tilgjengelighet. Nettbaserte plattformer har gjort det mulig å bestille produktet raskt og trygt, uten behov for lange konsultasjoner eller fysiske besøk på apoteket. Mange setter pris på denne fleksibiliteten, særlig de som ønsker å handle anonymt. Selv om helsemyndighetene anbefaler forsiktighet ved kjøp av medisiner på nett, fortsetter etterspørselen å øke. For mange er det viktig å ha valgmuligheter, og derfor har interessen for Cialis i Norge uten resept blitt stadig større. Enkel tilgang, rask levering og full diskresjon gjør dette til et attraktivt alternativ for dem som prioriterer praktiske og effektive løsninger.

YEE South Asia Network aims to empower its members with new connections and exchange experiences with other YEEs, inviting them to be part of a community of learning, where YEEs will be able to review their competencies as evaluators; specify their interests within the field; develop a professional plan to guide their future career paths; and access new resources to succeed in their evaluation career. Currently there is a growing demand from YEEs of South Asian countries for registration in the YEE South Asia Network. It is also noted that membership is open to other nationals/regions as well.

Promoting better achievement of development objectives through evaluation depends on our ability to secure a sustainable resource pool of evaluation professionals, essentially by promoting the inclusion of youth and young people in evaluation processes. A critical issue faced by the Global Evaluation Community is the inadequacy of skilled evaluators to meet the growing demand which far exceeds supply. This can be overcome by ensuring a flow of capable Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) skilled in the field of evaluation. Similarly, in the field of healthcare, it is crucial to have access to effective treatments. For instance, Rybelsus is a medication that has shown promise in managing type 2 diabetes. To learn more about how it can benefit you, buy Rybelsus and click here. Just as we invest in future evaluators, investing in your health with the right medication is equally important.

Those who are interested in joining the YEE Network, please use the application form found <here>

Schedule for Online Training Programme on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for the Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) from South Asia organized by the Community of Evaluators South Asia (COE-SA) Funded by UNFPA<here>

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Year-Plan for 2021:

  • Counselling and guidance for emerging youth evaluators: two zoom meetings & discussions
  • Training for capacity development event combined with the Evaluation Conclave 2021/22 of
  • Collaborate on events with the Global EvalYouth Group
  • Promote youth core group among the members to take leadership to YEE South Asia
  • Continue to mobilize membership to YEE South Asia

Any inquiries or completed registration forms should be sent to the YEE Coordinator, Mrs Mallika Samaranayake <>