Ms M.R. Samaranayake

Ms Mallika Rukminie Samaranayake

Ph D; Member of the Governing Board, Community of Evaluators – South Asia

Dr Samaranayake, a national of Sri Lanka, was a Founder Member and a Member of the Strategic Advisory Team (SAT) of the Community of Evaluators - South Asia (CoE SA). She was the pioneer President and the Immediate Past President of the CoE SA (2013-2017).

She has over 30 years’ of experience in evaluations, research and social assessments in Sri Lanka, Asia, Africa and Europe She is a Sociologist / Educationalist and a Community Development Specialist with considerable experience as a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist and a Workshop Facilitator/ Trainer in Participatory Evaluation and Strategic Planning. She served as the Regional Coordinator - Asia / Pacific for the Paris Declaration Evaluation (PDE) Phase 2 Evaluation Team which won the “AEA 2012 Outstanding Evaluation Award” (2009 – 2010). She is a Member of the Audit and Evaluation Advisory Committee (AEAC) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - 2016 – 2019.

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Dr Samaranayake was also a founder member of the Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA), and its President from 2006 – 2009. She was from the Sri Lanka Education Administrative Service (SLEAS) and served as the Special Project Director, prior to joining the World Bank, Colombo Office as its Participatory Development Specialist. She worked as the Joint Director, Self Help Support Programme of Swiss Interco-operation, Sri Lanka. She has served as a member of the Core Evaluation Team for Phase 2 of the Paris Declaration Evaluation (PDE) and was a Steering Committee Member and the Executive Secretary, Sri Lanka Water Partnership and Regional Council member Global Water Partnership South Asia Region. She was also a member of the International Steering Committee of the Joint MFS II Evaluation Programme of Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Netherlands. She has been a visiting fellow of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK.

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Dr Samaranayake is a Founder Director of the Institute for Participatory Interaction in Development (IPID), Sri Lanka, established to promote participatory methodologies in development, and currently serves as its Chairperson. She is also the Technical Lead for the Child Protection in Crisis (CPC) Learning Network Sri Lanka hosted by IPID, convened by the CPC Learning Network based at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, USA.
